Abdulmohsin Al-Obaikan

by Studio coraniques



Abdulmosin Al-Obaikan is a great imam, who has a beautiful voice. In addition to this, he is also a committed writer, researcher, preacher and lecturer, a member of the Shura Council of Saudi Arabia and a judicial consultant for the Saudi Ministry of Justice. He has also contributed to the Arabic literary field with many books such as Khawarij and Renewed Thought, Khawarij Al Asr and other writings. In addition to this, he is involved in the media through press articles and animation programs on Saudi TV channels.The application contains all suras recited by by Abdulmosin Al- Obaikan:001 Abdulmosin Al-Obaikan: Surat Al-Fatiha002 Abdulmosin Al-Obaikan: Surat Al-Baqara003 Abdulmosin Al-Obaikan: Surat al-E-Imran004 An-Nisa005 Al-Ma-idah006 Al-Anaam007 Al Araf008 Al Anfal009 At-Tawbah010 Yunus011 Hud 0012 Yusuf013 Ar Rad014 Ibrahim015 Al-Hijr016 An Nahl017 Al Isra018 Al-Kahf019 Maryam020 Ta-Ha021 Al Anbiya022 Al-Hajj023 Al Muminoon024 An-Noor025 Al Furqan026 Ash Shuara027 An Naml028 Al Qasas029 Al Ankaboot030 Ar-Chamber031 Luqman032 As-Sajda033 Al Ahzab034 Saba035 Fatir036 Ya Seen037 As-Saaffat038 Sad039 Az Zumar040 Ghafir041 Rocket042 Ash Shura043 Az-Zukhruf044 Ad-Dukhan045 Al-Jathiya046 Al-Ahqaf047 Mohammad048 Al-Fath049 Al Hujraat050 Qaf051 Adh-Dhariyat052 At-Tur053 An-Najm054 Al Qamar055 Ar-Rahman0056 Al-Waqia057 Al-Hadid058 Al Mujadila059 Al-Hashr060 Al-Mumtahina061 As-Saff062 Al Jumua063 Al-Munafiqoon064 At-Taghabun065 At-Talaq066 At-Tahrim067 Al-Mulk068 Al Qalam069 Al Haaqqa070 Al-Maarij071 Noah072 Al Jinn073 Al-Muzzammil074 Al-Muddaththir075 Al-Qiyama076 Al Insan077 Al Mursalat078 An-Naba079 An-Naziat080 Ababa081 At-Takwir082 Al-Infitar083 Al-Mutaffifin084 Al Inshiqaq085 Al Burooj086 At-Tariq087 Al Ala088 Al-Ghashiya089 Al-Fajr090 Al Balad091 Ash-Shams092 Al Lail093 Ad-Dhuha094 Al Inshirah095 At-Tin096 Al-Alaq097 Al Qadr098 Al Bayyina099 Az Zalzal100 Al-Adiyat101 Al Qariah102 At-Takathur103 Al-Asr104 Al Humaza105 Al-Fil106 Quraish107 Al Maun108 Al-Kauther109 Al Kafiroon110 An Nasr111 Al-Masadd112 Al-Ikhlas113 Al-Falaq114 An-Nas.